Amherst Foundry

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During the year 1904 the Maritime Provinces made considerable industrial advancement as a whole, but in no other part was this as noticeable as in the town of Amherst, where the Amherst Foundry Co., Limited, put in operation the second plant in Canada for the manufacture of cast iron porcelain enamelled baths, lavatories, sinks and other goods used in the plumbing trade.

The commencement of operations in the new department was a fitting climax to the formidable list of successes which have attended the operations of this company since the inception of its business some years ago. In 1890, Messrs. J. A. Crossman and J. A. Lanes started in a small way to manufacture stoves, hot-air furnaces and sinks. At the same time Messrs. William Knight and J. Avard Black were carrying on a retail business in stoves, furnaces and tinware.

On January 1, 1895, the four abovenamed gentlemen, together with Mr. C. A. Lusby, entered into a partnership under the name of the Amherst Foundry and Heating Co., for the purpose of carrying on the amalgamated business of Crossman & Lanes and Knight & Black. They threw all their energy and business ability into the business with the result that it continued to gain in volume, while the stoves, ranges and hot-air furnaces of their manufacture rapidly increased in popularity throughout the Maritime Provinces. The old premises soon became too small to accommodate the increasing business, and it was decided to acquire other property and to erect more suitable buildings. Consequently a valuable and convenient site was acquired on Station street and the work of erecting more commodious workshops and offices was commenced.

The warerooms, offices and fitting shops were first constructed and then the moulding shop and enamelling building. These buildings are all of brick and stone and probably a more substantial, better lighted or better arranged foundry plant in every particular does not exist in Canada. The works are connected by a siding with the Intercolonial Railway and every facility exists for shipping goods and unloading the raw material. These thoroughly equipped works mark the crowning effort of the men who have been responsible for the upbuilding and successful guidance of the undertakings which have now become an important factor in the industrial life of Eastern Canada.

About two years ago the members of the firm, together with Mr. C. C. Black, formed a joint stock company and became incorporated under the name of the Amherst Foundry Co., Limited. This firm manufactures an extensive line of stoves, ranges and hot-air furnaces, together with porcelain enamelled baths, lavatories, sinks, etc. All of these goods have a splendid reputation, but we might particularly mention the “Improved Cumberland” hot-air furnaces for wood, coal or wood and coal combined, which are known and spoken of throughout the country.

The enamelled goods, which are the latest production of this enterprising firm, are known as the “Beaver” brand, and their splendid appearance and excellent qualities are testified to by the great demand there is for them all over the Dominion of Canada. From Halifax to Vancouver they are being shipped in carload lots as fast as the factory can turn them out, although the enamelling furnaces are kept running night and day.

One specialty of the enamelling depart-ment is the “Eastern Beauty” lavatory, a cut of which is shown herewith. This lavatory has a heavy roll apron, high back, is made all in one piece, and is fast becoming a general favorite. The Amherst Foundry Co., Limited, situated as it is in the wide awake and enterprising town of Amherst and under the skilled guidance of the men who conduct its affairs, will meet with the same, success in the future which diligence and merit have won for it in the past and will continue to grow and flourish.
