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Please, If you see this list copied anywhere else on the internet and it is being claimed as someone else’s research, please let us know. The information contained within this site is the culmination of nearly 5 years of research.

Canadian iron manufacture was much bigger than people realize, and the following list will reflect it. This list isn’t complete as yet, there are 30 or so more to add which will bump the list to over 200 combined manufacturers of stove and hollow ware. This is just scratching the surface – especially when it comes to Ontario and Quebec where iron manufacture was huge.

Many of these foundries have zero examples to compare to. If you have any pieces from these foundries, or unmarked pieces that may be Canadian – please feel free to contact me at Detailed pictures are very important to us – any markings and numbers – as well as any information that you have on a piece. Many cast iron stoves were unmarked, and we may be able to identify them for you.

If you wish to discuss Canadian made cast iron, please register for the forum here or join on Facebook.

Known Hollow Ware manufacturers in Canada. These companies also made Stove and Ranges. Note: When CW is shown, it means Canada West, pre confederation or pre 1867.

A. Belanger Ltee – Fonderie Bélanger
Ayr Foundry – Established 1847.
Amherst Foundry Co. – Amherst NS
Anthes Foundry Ltd.
B.G Tisdale
Beard Brothers
Bowes and Jameson
Brockville Novelty works
Buck Stove Works
Burrow, Stuart and Milne
Canada Forge
Canada Foundries and Forgings
Canada Stove and Furniture Co
Canadian Heating and Ventilation Co
Charles Fawcett
Chown and Cunningham – Kingston, Ontario
Clare Brothers
Clement & Co. – Toronto ON
Colborne Furnace
Copp Brothers
Crossman And Laws – Succeed by Amherst Foundry and Heating Co.
D. Moore
Davidson, Bruce and Doran
Eagle Foundry
E&C Gurney
E. Goff. Toronto
Enterprise Foundry, Sackville NB
Enamel & Heating Products Limited – Sackville NB
Fawcett’s Stove Works – Sackville NB
Findlay Brothers – Findlay’s, Findlay
Forges du Saint-Maurice
F-X (Felix) Drolet
Garland Stove
General Steel Wares – not really a maker.
George H. Cheney, Toronto
Godin & Cie – Montreal – may be out of France.
Guelph Foundry
H. Imbleau and Sons
Hamilton stove and heater co
Harte and McKillop – Toronto, Ontario
Harte and Smith
Heroux and Sons – Merrickville Ont.
Ives and Allen – Montreal – 1850
J&O McClary – See also McClary mfg
J. Carmichael, Oahawa, Ontario
James Rogers (JR) Armstrong, out of City foundry in Toronto.
James Smart Manufacturing Co ltd.
James Stewart
Javelin – Joliette, QC
John Elliot – See Phoenix Foundry CW
John McGee – See Phoenix Foundry CW
Joseph Hodgson, Toronto
Knight & Black, stoves and tinware – Succeeded by the Amherst Foundry and Heating Co. pre 1897
Laidlaw, Bowes & Co
Mary Street Foundry – Hamilton, Ontario. Mentions Stove Furniture.
Marmora iron works
Machinery & Foundries, Limited
McClary Manufacturing
Menard & Cie – Montreal QC
Moose River Iron Works – Nova Scotia
Phoenix Foundry CW Toronto – Est 1825
Fonderie Plessisville – Quebec 1800s
Preston Stove Foundry – Preston, Ont
Record Foundry NB
Small & Fisher Brothers New Brunswick
Specialty MFG
Stanstead Iron Foundry
Superior Foundry Company – Montreal
Taylor Forbes
Terreau and Racine
The Oshawa Stove Company
Three River Stoves
Toronto Furnace
Turnbull & co – Mary street foundry
United Nail and Foundry – Newfoundland
Victoria Foundry – Kingston Ontario – Owned by Chown and Cunningham.
Vulcan Foundry
Waterloo Iron Works
Wexford Steel Inc
W.H. Manning and Co – Rue St. Paul, Montreal
Wm. Buck Stove works
Windsor Foundry NS
Windsor Foundry & Machine Co., Limited, Windsor, N.S.
W.J Copp and Son – Successors to Copp Brothers Ltd.
Wrought Iron Range – Toronto Ontario – unsure if hollow ware was made in Canada

Cast Aluminum Hollow Ware Makers

Canadian Aluminum Works – Montreal
F.R. Murray Co Ltd – Vancouver
Wentworth Mfg – aluminum hollowware

Known Canadian Stove and range makers – Not necessarily hollow ware makers. It hasn’t been proven yet that this list made hollow ware.

A. Nault – Deschamblault Quebec
Alloy Foundry Company Limited – Originally founded in 1840, Merrickville, Ontario
A. Brewster, Montreal
A. Lewis & Co., stoves and tinware, Nanaimo, B.C
Adam Hall, Peterborough, Ontario
Angus McKenzie – Toronto, Ontario
Beach Foundry Ltd – Ottawa, Ontario
Bedard, Ltee., La Compagnie
Bedford Stove Co., Bedford, Que.
Beeby Range Co Ltd – Brockville. Leased space from Machineries and Foundries.
Beecher Brothers
Billing & Strickland, Galt, Ontario – CW.
Blythe and Kerr. Ottawa
Bowman Gas Range Mfg Co – Toronto, On.
Butterworth Foundry Co
Canadian General Electric Co Ltd – Toronto
Canadian Westinghouse Co Ltd –
Calgary Stove and Furnace
Canadian Stove Co., Grimsby.
The Canada Stove & Furniture Co – Montreal
Canadian Malleable
Carrier, Lainée & Cie Québec
C.H. Lepage Quebec
Chatham Malleable and Steel Mfg Co, Chatham, Ontario.
Clark Mfg – London
Collins Mfg. Co., Toronto.
Cook & Co, H.S – Yarmouth, NS
Copp and Brother, Hamilton CW – worked out of Vulcan foundry
Devlin & Son Co – Pembroke
DJ barker and company
D.S Keith & Co, Toronto
Doherty Mfg. Co. (Doherty Stove Works) Sarnia.
Domestic Gas Appliances Ltd – Montreal, Quebec
Dominion Foundry Co. – Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Down Draft Furnace co – See The Galt Stove and Furnace Company
D.S Keith and Co – Toronto, Ontario
Dunbar Engine & Foundry Co – Woodstock NB
John East Iron Works Ltd. – Saskatoon, Sask.
Echenberg Bros – Sherbrooke
Elmira Stove Works
Emerson & Fisher, Limited, St. John. N.B.
Empire Stove & Foundry Co., Owen Sound. Ontario
Eug. Julien & Cie Quebec
Eusèbe Picard Quebec
Farquhar Bros., Halifax, N.S.
Fiset & Cie Quebec
Fonderie Desjardins – St-André de Kamouraska Quebec
Fonderie Bernier & Bernier – Lotbinière
Fonderie Clendinneng& Son – Montreal
Fonderie De Rigaud – Rigaud, Quebec.
Fonderie St-Anselme – St-Anselme PQ
Galt Stove and Furnace Co. Galt, Ontario
Galtaco Inc. Inc 1977 – formerly known as Galt Malleable Iron Ltd.
Geo R. Prowse, Montreal
Globe Foundry – London, Ontario
Gray-Harvey Co Ltd, Ottawa, Ontario
Great Western Stove Company
Grimsby Foundry Ltd – Grimsby Ontario
Guelph Stove Co – Guelph, Ontario
Gurney – Massey Co. Ltd
Gurney Foundry co ltd – King Street Toronto
Gurney, Tilden Co., Limited, The, Hamilton, Ont.
H. Meadows and Co – Capital Stove Depot.
H.A. Wilder – Montreal
H.P Brown – Woodstock iron works
H.W Marshall, Kingston, Ontario
Hall Foundry Co. Ltd – Hespeler On.
Happy Thought foundry
Hillis & Sons, Ltd., Halifax NS
I.L. Lafleur Québec
J.R Armstrong – operated out of City Foundry, Toronto, Ontario
J. Stewart and Co – Hamilton, ontario
J. Carmichael, Oshawa, Ontario
James Brothers, Perth Ontario
James and Reid, Perth Ontario
J. Paulin and Co – worked out of Vulcan foundry. Woodstock.
J.L Mott Iron Works – Toronto, Ontario
J.W. Elliot – Toronto, Ontario
John Brown & Son – Sherbrooke
John Bull
John Burns & Co. Montreal
Kerr and Coombs
kir-ben limited, Almonte, Ontario
L&P Sawyer – Hamilton, Ontario
La Fonderie Canadienne – Montreal
La Fonderie de Thetford, Ltd.,
Lamarre & company, St Remi, Quebec
Lunenburg Foundry Co., Lunenburg NS
M. Anderson – Globe Foundry, London, Ontario.
Maple Leaf Stoves and Ranges
McGregor, Hare and Moxon – Prince Edward County. Worked out of Vulcan Foundry.
Meaford Wheelbarrow Co. Ltd, Meaford, Ontario
McLean, Holt and Co
McLennan, McFeely & Co., Limited, Vancouver, B.C.
Merchants Hardware Specialties. Ltd., Calgary.
Merrick Anderson Co Ltd – Winnipeg
Meyer Bros – Toronto
Modern Machine Co, Ottawa, Ontario
Moffat stove Co Ltd, Weston, Ontario
Moffats, Limited, Weston Ontario
Moncreif furnace and manufacturing
N.G. Valiquette Montreal
National Stove Co., Morrisburg.
National Steel Car Co Ltd, Hamilton, Ontario
New Burrell-Johnson Iron Co., Limited, The, Yarmouth. N.S.
Penetang Foundry Co., Penetang.
Pease foundry
Percival Plow & Stove Co., Merrickville.
Pont-Rouge Co. PortNeuf, PQ
P.T. Légaré Quebec
Quost Metal Works – Vancouver, BC
R. & W. Kerr Montreal
R. Sewell – J.L Mott Iron Works – Toronto, Ontario
Renfrew Machinery Co. Ltd – Renfrew, Ontario
Retort Gas Stove Company – Toronto, Ontario
Rodden and Co. Montreal
Shaw & Mason, Ltd., Sydney NS
Simmons Brothers, Kingston, Ontario
Smith Foundry Co., Fredericton NB
Spencer Foundry – Penatang Ontario
St. Lawrence Foundry
Sumner Co, Moncton, NB
Supreme Heating company
The Doherty Mfg co – Sarnia Ontario
The Dominion Stove & Foundry Co., Penetang, Ont.;
The Galt Stove and Furnace Co – Formerly known as Down Draft Furnace Company
The Hall, Zryd foundry
The Harriston Stove Co
The New Burrell Johnson Iron Co., Yar- mouth.
Thompson & Sutherland Ltd., Sydney NS
Thos. (Thomas) Davidson
Tudhope-Anderson Company – Orillia
Vancouver Stove & Heater Co Ltd – Vancouver, BC.
W. Clendinneng. Montreal.
W.B Dalton and Sons Ltd, Kingston Ontario
Western Foundry Co., Ltd., Wingham Ontario
Wheeler & Bain, Toronto, Ont.
William Porter, Bowmanville. Durham County Ont.
Woodside Brothers Iron Foundry
Woodstock Iron Works – Woodstock, Ontario.
Z. LaRoche & Fres ltee

Cast iron hollow ware that would have been jobbed out – not foundries.

Coral “Bhouka” – possibly made by Findlay.
T. Eaton – any markings – McClary is one known maker, the rest unsure.
T. Eaton – Eatonia Housewares
T. Eaton – Mayfair Housewares
Lisser – possibly made by Findlay.
Sunridge – made for Smokey Kettle Maple Company Limited in Sunridge, Ontario – TM 1984
