The history of Blacklock is fascinating, and these are just tidbits – just like many other foundries in the USA. They started up in early March 1896 – during a recession/depression no less.

In 1905, Blacklock Foundry suffered through a 4 month strike, it went on from August to December of that year. There were so many strikes, boycotts and lockouts throughout the US and Canada through the 1880’s and beyond. It was insane. Some companies closed down, others shipped their patterns to different foundries in hopes of keeping production going. If it was a union shop and discovered – many times that foundry struck and was boycotted. The Knights of Labor did alot of damage in the day.

A week after the strike started, they were contemplating moving to Chattanooga due to labour issues but that fell through.

There are advertisements looking for young men to learn the trade – through the strike.

That particular strike ended on December 7 1905. There was another strike in september 1898 – and one prior but can’t find it.

The foundry burned down in May 1910. The shame of it, everything burned – and nobody knows what Blacklock skillets or other pieces look like. There are some beautiful pieces that are marked, and highly coveted.

Then another article mentions the rebuild. Interesting that they failed to lease a closed foundry.