Feel free to join the Cast Iron Canada facebook group here. And if there is anyone out there claiming this is their research? It’s far from it.
Favorite Stove and Range in Piqua, Ohio had nothing to do with W.C Davis, Great Western Stove Works, or the Favorite Stove Company, Favorite Stove Works or the Favorite Stove Works Company. They only shared a history through W.K. Boal. Favorite Stove was a new company, a new startup that became very successful. Was the “Favorite” sunrise logo re-registered under Favorite Stove and Range for positive brand recognition? Maybe, decide for yourself. Many companies did this.
As for hollow ware, W.C Davis made hollow ware under different companies. Favorite Stove Works made hollow ware. The Favorite Stove Works Company made hollow ware. Favorite Stove and Range bought patterns and tools from the Favorite Stove Works company and started fresh. Articles in the late 1800’s show hollow ware production at Favorite Stove and Range. Published in the 1890’s, need to find the exact date again – article in 4 pieces. Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4.
Metal Worker – June 28, 1894. “Favorite Piqua Hollow Ware”.
W.C Davis and Co seemed to be a holding company or an umbrella for all the mans ventures, he even published newspapers very early on under Davis and Co. “W.C Davis and Co” tends to listed as “proprietors” or owner. He had a knack for either creating ventures or buying them – and then selling them. And it doesn’t appear that Davis retired after the sale of Favorite Stove Works – found an article that stated sold in 1892 further down. Excerpt from an article I found on Davis.
One of the most extensive branches of the iron industry — a branch in which Cincinnati holds an acknowledged superiority over all rival points on account of her peruliarly favorable resources and location and the genius and enterprise of her manufacturers — is admirably represented by the “Favorite Stove Works”, an establishment that has been a leading and powerful agency in building up the stove trade of the city, and has carried her reputation for excellence in that line of production over as wise a territory as any other of our many large industries has been able to cover. These works were started in 1842, by W.C. Davis & Co., being located on Hunt Street, and employing some 100 men. They were afterward removed to the corner of Pearl and Butler streets: then in 1861, to Front, below Baker street and finally, in 1878, to the present location.
“Anchor Iron Works” for example. Davis had a patent for metal caskets – or metallic burial cases. Imagine being a pall bearer on a metal casket. It was sold to Crane, Breed and Co – along with the patent. The company still exists today – website showing history here.
The great western stove works was created by W.C Davis.
You will see advertisements for the “Great Western Stove Works” such as this one in the Cincinnati Directory. Or this one in 1871. Again, W.C Davis – Proprietor or owner.
1872 snippet of an article – “W.K Boal buys the stove foundry of W.C Davis and under his management – and a partnership with Samuel P. Cheseldine , the company flourishes.” Boal did indeed buy a foundry from W.C. Davis & Co. June 16, 1873 advertisement – W.K. Boal enters a partnership with Samuel P. Cheseldine to take ownership of the “Great Western Stove Works”. We find this ad to prove it in the Cincinnati directory. So Boal and Cheseldine took ownership of the “Great Western Stove Works”. What happened to Great Western Stove Works. From the 1872 article It also states that he sold it and it became “Favorite Stove Company”. Need to find that.
In 1877, we see mentions of sole “agents” for the “favorite” stove in the “Cincinnati Tin And Japan Company. Another ad here from 1876.
June 18, 1878, Favorite trademark was registered by W.C Davis – the entity. No mention of Boal or Cheseldine in the trademark. It didn’t seem like W.C Davis was a trusting man in his ventures.
Trademark here
1878, advertisement for “Favorite Stoves” – but no mention of Favorite Stove Works yet.
1879 – “New” Favorite Stove Works showing WC Davis, WK Boal, Samuel P. Cheseldine, RA Holden. But doesn’t show the titles of each – need to find them. Assume Davis is President etc.
1879 – Full page advertising banner for W.C Davis and Co – “NEW FOR 1879“. What is interesting about the creation of the “Favorite Stove Works” is W.K. Boal is listed – but he’s not on the Favorite trademark. Boal didn’t take over the trademark until 1893 – 15 years (and a few months) after it expired. Can’t explain that one yet but for the purpose of this write up, it doesn’t matter.
In 1882 we see an advertisement in the Cincinnati Directory – “Favorite Stove Works Company”, successors to W.C Davis and Co – succession took place somewhere between 1880 and 1882. Prior to this, we see “Favorite Stove Works” – no “Company”. No mention of Cheseldine either. But later ads show Cheseldine so it’s safe to assume the partnership included Cheseldine. Another excerpt from an article found at the Cincinnati library.
In 1882, a stock company was organized, with W.K. Boal as President, and Samuel P. Cheseldine as Secretary and Treasurer, under whose auspices the immense business is being successfully and progressively conducted. This would have been “Favorite Stove Works Company” – and that is what moved to Piqua, Ohio. Great Western Stove Works had nothing to do with Favorite Stove and Range.
More from the advertisement. The range of manufacture embraces an extended line of heating and cooking stoves, hollow ware, tin and copper ware, country hollow-ware and stove trimmings generally. The leading articles of production are the famous “Favorite” cooking stoves, for wood or combined for either coal or wood; which have a reputation and demand second to no other stove of the kind.
1887, Favorite Stove Works Company with W.K Boal as President and Superintendent. Cheseldine is mentioned as well.
Even the news gets information wrong… They reported that the “Favorite Stove Company” was secured and was moving to Piqua, Ohio. This was wrong and it seemed to cause some confusion and issues for Boal. Article here. It was also reported that the “Favorite Stove Works” were almost bankrupt – again incorrect. Article here.
They even issued a correction concerning this – here. This is the last piece of the puzzle by the way. Favorite Stove and Range Company was a new startup – period. They bought the patterns, machinery etc from the Favorite Stove Works Co – and ran with it all. It seems the Favorite Stove Works carried on. Evidenced by a 1907 article here and I’m sure many more.
In an interview with William K. Boal on April 18, 1889.
W.K Boal, President of the Favorite Stove & Range Co., a man of many years successful business experience, was interviewed. He was clear, positive and distinct in his replies to our questions.
Interviewer: What induced the Favorite Company to come to Piqua?
Boal: Well young man, natural gas was the lever which moved us. We are great consumer of fuel and can save fully forty percent by using natural gas instead of coal, aside from the convenience and labor-saving of the gas.
Interviewer: Then the bonus of &50,000 was not the only cause, and the hydraulic (water) did not bring you?
Boal: Why no. Hamilton offered us more than Piqua, and we do not use much water anyway. We liked Piqua. Other gas towns were not so well fixed in the railroad facilities, but Urbana is as well off in that particular as Piqua. You want natural gas down there.
Interviewer: Is the old Favorite Stove Company bankrupt?
Boal: Why, no. Who ever started that sort of story? Our company is a new one, and is certainly solvent and prosperous. The old company is rich — have never been embarassed, and is still actively in the business.
So, it was the “Favorite Stove Works Company” that was brought to Piqua, Ohio – not the Great Western Stove Works as most seem to declare. It wasn’t the Favorite Stove Company – they were still in Cincinnati.
The “Favorite Stove and Range Company” in Piqua, Ohio commenced operations during the week of Feb 18,1889 – as shown in this small clip.
Stanhope Boal registered the trademark of “Favorite” in 1893, 15 years and a few months after W.C Davis registered it. You can see it here in PDF.
Parts of this are pulled from a 2 part article here and here. This article comes from the Cincinnati library.
W.C Davis was bought out in 1892 by one “Captain A. G West” of “A.G West and Son”, another iron monger. Small article in the “Western Druggist” 1892.
As an addendum, there will be a second part to this history – and it’s going to deal with the union strikes, the shut downs, and the boycotting of the different foundries of the time. Foundries that were struck or boycotted tried to ship their patterns to other foundries – just to keep production going. Well, Favorite Stove and Range Co was struck and shut down for an indefinite period of time as well around the period of July 10, 1894. Don’t know how long they were down for, but it is what it is. Question is, did they try to ship their patterns to other foundries to keep production moving?

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