Happy Thought Foundry

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The Happy Thought Foundry Co., is another strictly Canadian concern; is located at Brantford, Ont., and is amongst the pioneers in Canadian foundry business. This foundry was started over sixty years ago in a very small way by the late Wm. Buck, and like many of the foundries of those days made practically everything which could
be made of cast iron. Mr. Buck was not many years in building up a big business calling for much bigger and better buildings. These were built on Brant Ave. and covered the better part of the entire block; being known as the Victoria Foundry.

Mr. Buck died about thirty years ago leaving a well established business manufacturing stoves, ranges and furnaces, to his three sons who reorganized under the name
of The Wm. Buck Stove Co. Limited. About eighteen years ago they abandoned the old plant which had served so many years and built the enormous plant shown in the illustration. The Buck Stove works, has been acquired by members of McClary Mfg. Co., of London, Ont., a new company has been formed by i McLary, William M. Gartshore, i McGunn, and others, with a capital $500,000, under the name of “The Happy Thought Foundry Co., Limited.” Many improvements were made and additions not shown in the illustration but which did not materially change the appearance were added. This foundry has 135 floors and everything else which is required to keep up to a foundry of this size. The entire floor space is concrete and every moulder is provided with a locker. Lunch counter, baths and all modern comforts for the employees is included.

The name “Happy Thought” so long connected with Buck’s ranges had become even more familiar than the name of the owners, hence the name of the corporation. Mr. W. W. Nobbs is the manager.
