Wm. Buck Stove Company

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October 1921 – Canadian Foundry Man

This foundry was started over sixty years ago in a very small way by the late Wm. Buck, and like many of the foundries of those days made practically everything which could be made of cast iron. Mr. Buck was not many years in building up a big business calling for much bigger and better buildings. These were built on Brant Ave. and covered the better part of the entire block; being known as the Victoria Foundry. Mr. Buck died about thirty years ago leaving a well established business manufacturing stoves, ranges and furnaces, to his three sons who reorganized under the name of The Wm. Buck Stove Co. Limited. About eighteen years ago they abandoned the old plant which had served so many years and built the enormous plant shown in the illustration.

June 1920 – Canadian Foundry Man

Buck Stove Works Changes Hands.

The plant and business of the Wm. Buck Stove Co., of Brantford, which for the last fifty years has been one of Brantford’s leading industiies, has changed hands and is now in the hands of the McClary Manufacturing Co. of London, Ont., who will however continue to operate it at Brantford. About three hundred hands are employed at the Buck
plant, and while it has always enjoyed an enormous share of the trac’e, it will certainly not lose any of its prestige under the ne>v manasjement. The McCIary Mfg. Co. is one of Canada’s most progressive institutions and is operating one cf the largest stove foundries in the world in London. The price paid for the Buck addition was approximately one million dollars.

June 1921 – Canadian Foundry Man

The Buck Stove works, has been acquired by members of McClary Mfg. Co., of London, Ont.,
a new company has been formed by i McLary, William M. Gartshore, i McGunn, and others, with a capital $500,000, under the name of “The Happy Thought Foundry Co., Limited.”


Isn’t this a beautiful pan? Thanks again to Andrew W who went out of his way for these pictures. This has to be a skillet from Wm. Buck Stove Works before it was taken over by McClary.

Buck Stove Skillet


Wm. Buck Stove Works Brantford Skillet


The owner did a lovely job on restoring her Wm Buck Skillet, hope you don’t mind me using the pics.

Restored Wm. Buck skilletWm Buck skillet restored
