Making Toutans – Fried Bread Dough.

Fried up bread dough, in Newfoundland we called them “toutans” and oh so good. We used to cook them in pork fat, but too much salt for me these days – just a bit of salted butter and oil with a touch of salt. Most times I’ll stuff them with whatever – tomato sauce, meat and cheeze etc. Or just cook up plain old bread dough – with maple syrup or salt, wonderful.

Artisan bread with Steve, great channel – bread is not hard to make, very simple actually.

Turbo bread recipe that I used. Flour, salt, yeast and water. The amount of water you’ll need will vary depending on flour type etc, so make sure you have extra hot water on hand just in case.

My phones memory filled up and cut out. This is the end result of the pizza pocket for lack of a better word.

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