Welcome To Cast Iron Canada

Cast Iron Canada will be closing the facebook groups in the coming weeks. Really don’t like what the big social media companies are doing to it’s users. We have a chat forum that is open and ready for use here : https://castironcanada.com/cicforum
Or better yet, we are setting up a new social platform for cast iron research here: https://castironcanada.com/community.

Canadian cast iron hollow ware and foundries in general are poorly documented, and this is what castironcanada.com is all about. It is an “attempt” to decipher logos, time frames, makers marks etc. This hasn’t been an easy task, years of reading different articles and journals and still we’re only able to scratch the surface. Bear with us as we put this site together. Once again, it’s an attempt to break some of the code, not a guarantee. I love my Canadian Cast Iron cookware, it rivals Griswold and other US manufacturers.

Lots of new and unknown examples of Canadian hollow ware have shown up in the last couple of years, but there is much more missing. There is a serious lack of iron in Canada, so far over 200 stove manufacturers are known to exist and at least an additional 100 that made hollow ware. Where is all the iron? Many of these hollow ware manufacturers have zero examples to go by – and this is the reason your pictures are so important. If you have any iron that is marked or unmarked, please forward some good detailed pictures to admin@castironcanada.com.

Many of the web pages on the main site are going to be articles clipped from catalogs or journals that were found online – if you feel something is posted in error, please feel free to let the admin know. I am trying my best to NOT reproduce without clear links to the original, but I may miss a few. If you see pictures that you took of your own cookware – many of the pictures that are shown have been obtained through google images. They are on the public domain but can be removed/replaced if you feel I’ve overstepped copyright limits.

Thanks for dropping by.

